VIRTUAL-FIRST will take its opening shots [2021 trends]

Every few years or so we are pushed by galloping innovation to change to something-new-first. We lived through digital-first, social-first and mobile-first eras. (And still managed to stay alive 😊). So what exactly is waiting round the corner?

Working for TeamViewer, one gets across heap of feature suggestions from customer, trying to improve their video conferencing and digital connectivity experience. But what struck me in last years was how pulsing the demand was for tiny meeting feature. Black-screen (or fixed image behind you while video calling) seemed to be popping suspiciously too often even before COVID times. With coronavirus turning our libraries (or storage racks) into video call background, need for making your kitchen or living room bit more virtual than real, became really imminent.

With no clear cut-off time for lockdown and remote work period end, businesses realize that singularity of our office space shattered in 2020 not only to duality of office+home-office, but into triage of office+home-office+virtual-office. Number of virtual Xmas parties, virtual shareholder meetings or other range of events happening, literally in the air, just confirms this. And it also makes companies think twice.

If you are teacher, bank teller or psychologist, your living room will not make for long term office replacement. With Augmented reality and Virtual reality turning so cheap and easy to set, why would you project image of your pre-schoolers running around onto your client(s). Almost 93% of all GP meetings in UK happened last year neither at client-side, nor physically in the doctor’s office, but rather in virtual set-up. And primary health care is the not the only sector jumping on virtual-first.

Augmented reality can “move” all of the furniture or appliances objects into customer’s own space. And no one even sweats to do so. Co-browsing and supervising-remotely-along has becoming the norm not only for setting your boiler after surprising reset, but for any task that needs somewhat know-how to get things right. Virtual reality (headsets) can emulate also any set-up or situation you need to walk the person through. So for long time, many more beyond army virtual drills can benefit from it already.

As much as your business might not to be on the frontier of turning fully virtual, it becomes advisable to at least blue-print how your business would in virtual look like. Or some of your rivals might do that instead of you.  Ignore on your own risk.




Publikované dňa 10. 1. 2021.